The way google ranks people is by content. Literally, content is the most important way to tell google what you offer and if you can offer something to googles customers.. Think about this, in real life you see things and you figure out how a business is ran by visual things you can interpret as good or bad. The way google interprets who you are and if you are good or bad for displaying and giving possible clients to is how your website is setup. The main thing your website setup is need is a good title and having good content.

Without having good content you can not effectively tell google who you are and what you are trying to accomplish. This is the exact reason I try to get all my clients to have a blog post every week (depending on their niche). This content first helps google know the following:

  • you are current with the trends
  • you are still an active site and business
  • you care about your business
  • your customers can know you are an authority

While this seems easy and for the most part it can be, consistency is the key. Remember, any open business is constantly evolving and changing. Your website needs to do the same.


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