In order for a business to grow you need dedication. Dedication is one of the backbones of any business in my opinion. By devoting yourself to optimizing, giving your customers a better experience and giving your customers information they want your website traffic will grow. Remember Google wants to show the best website and business first.
First and foremost you want to make sure you keep your site up to date with new information and previous work you have done. This is one way to keep your site active and showing Google you are a legitimate business and a need to be ranked #1. Then you want to optimize your site for your niche. On site optimization is still a very important part of any website. By optimizing your site you are allowing Google to know who you are and why they should be showing you for specific search results. Lastly you want to make sure your local citations online are available for people to find.
While there are many different tips and tricks to search engine optimization, the main key to everything is that dedication and consistency will win you the race in the long term regardless of industry or market. Plumbers in Vallejo need to be just as dedicated as roofers in Denver.